
Technical Agenda

The below agenda is tentative, and the final version will be available by February 26th.
Full Name Title - Session / paper
Chairperson: Krishnan Balasubramanian
Plenary Session
11:00 Plenary Johannes Vrana Beyond NDE 4.0: The Rise of Machine Perception
11:45 Plenary Ripi Singh Mindset to Mindsight: A Key to NDE 4.0 Success
12:30 Invited Makoto Ochiai NDE4.0: Advanced Data Collaboration Improves Plant/Asset Values
13:00 Invited Lennart Schulenburg Artificial Intelligence in Digital Radiography
Chairperson: Pranay Wadyalkar
Keynotes Session - 1
14:30 Invited Prafull Sharma On the positive impact of Industry 4.0 - The case of Corrosion Under Insulation
15:00 Invited Krishnan Balasubramanian Simulation based ADR and digital twins for NDE
15:30 Panel Discussion Moderator: TBD TBD
Chairperson: Lennart Schulenburg
Keynotes Session - 2
16:45 Invited Pranay Wadyalkar Dark Dice of Digitalization
17:15 Invited Iikka Virkkunen AI-Powered Inspection in Attenuative Material with PWI-TFM
17:45 Invited Pierre Calmon Embedded AI for Guided Wave Data Processing and Defect Detection
18:15 Invited Ajay Pasupuleti & Prashant Kadaba Breaking the Barriers of Conventional Thinking in the Natural Gas Industry Using NDE 4.0
Cultural & Networking Dinner
Full Name Title - Session / paper
Chairperson: Ajay Pasupuleti
Session - Artifical Intelligence - 1
9:00 Invited Christian Els Use of AI/ML for NDT/E Applications - Upcoming ASNT Standard
9:30 Invited Christian Boller Demonstrating the Merger of Structural Data towards NDE 4.0 and Structural Life Cycle Assessment
10:00 Contributory Pierre Calmon A Proposal of Recommendations for Implementing and Qualifying Machine Learning-Based Decision Support Algorithms in Production Line NDT
10:15 Contributory Saurabh Singh Advancing Welding Process Through Artificial Intelligence For Quality Enhancement
10:30 Contributory Pradeep B Failure Assessment Of Mash Seam Weld Using Online PAUT Inspection System & AI Based Quality Prediction in Continuous Galvanizing Line
10:45 Contributory C Chandraprakash Artificial Intelligence To Estimate The Stiffness Matrix Of Composites
Chairperson: Johannes Vrana
Session - Artifical Intelligence - 2
11:30 Invited Umakanthan Anand Future of NDE in refinery and Petrochemical
12:00 Contributory Joseph Kakkassery Deploying Fuzzy Logic Approach Using Ultrasonic Data for Rotodynamic Load Analysis
12:15 Contributory R Pandian Deep Learning Techniques for Automatic Detection of Defects in Radiographic Images
12:30 Contributory Shyamsunder Baskaran Statistical and Machine Learning Methods in Eddy Current Sorting
12:45 Contributory Tikesh Sahu Intelligent Flaw Detection in Eddy Current Inspection Data through Machine Learning Model
Chairperson: Christian Boller
Session - Artifical Intelligence - 3
14:00 Invited Serge Dos Santos Smart classification of Nonlinear-UT scatterers using AI tools: how data/signal processing emphasizes the needs of NDE 4.0 transformations
14:30 Invited Daniel Kanzler How Good is the Collaboration with AI in NDT?
15:00 Contributory Phani Mylavarapu A Deep Learning-Assisted Grain Size Prediction in IN718 Using Ultrasonic Backsattered Signals
15:15 Contributory Shyamsunder Baskaran Impact Acoustic Response Testing with Digital Array Microphones: Novel Signal Processing and ADR based on Physics and Deep Learning
15:30 Panel Discussion Moderator: TBD TBD
Chairperson: V Manoharan
Session - Robotics and Automation - 1
16:30 Invited Benjamin Regener Evolving the watchdog: How Industry 4.0 is sparking a radiant rebellion in Nuclear NDE?
17:00 Invited Sahab Gurjar Robotic Inspections of Storage Tanks, Pressure Vessels, Boilers, and Underwater Assets Using PetroBot Robots - Field Experiences
17:30 Contributory Anil Das Application of Robotics in Power Plants for Health & Life Management of Critical Components
17:45 Contributory Chirag Darji Use of Drone for Visual Inspection
18:00 Contributory Sagnik Chakraborty Next Generation NDT: How Robotics, AI and Advanced Analytics are shaping Aviation
18:15 Contributory Michael Bron Adaptive Dual Mast Inspection of Rectilinear Machined Components of Jet Engines
Cultural & Gala Dinner
Full Name Title - Session / paper
Chairperson: Ripi Singh
Session - Opportunities in Digital Applications - 1
9:00 Invited Ramachandran S A Maturity Model for Industry 4.0 in NDE
9:30 Invited Vamsi (GE) Krishna Reddy Next Gen Inspection and Analytics for Aircraft Engine Maintenance
10:00 Contributory Anshuman Agarwal Transforming Inspections through Digitalization at HMEL: Techniques, Applications, and Challenges
10:15 Contributory Venkat Krishna Digital Transformation, NDE 4.0
10:30 Contributory Anurag Gautam Leveraging Digital Solutions to Optimise Asset Integrity Management
10:45 Contributory Pierre Calmon A Digital Twin for Robotic IR Thermographic Inspections
Chairperson: M R Vijayalakshmi
Session - Opportunities in Digital Applications - 2
11:30 Invited Rafael Martínez-oña Technical Challenges in the Road to NDE 4.0
12:00 Contributory Julien Banchet Enhanced manual ultrasonic inspection for die-forged aerospace parts with complex geometries
12:15 Contributory Akhil Balachandran Enhanced Non-Destructive Evaluation of Nonlinearity in Isotropic Media Using Non-Collinear Wave Mixing
12:30 Panel Discussion Moderator: TBD TBD
Chairperson: U Anand
Session - Opportunities in Digital Applications - 3
14:00 Invited Anoop Rayavarapu The Future of Asset Integrity: NDT Powered by Virtual Reality
14:30 Invited Amit Saluja Building Future Ready Factories with Digital
15:00 Contributory TBD TBD
15:15 Contributory Haneef Tk An approach for Classification of Acoustic Emission Sources during Pressure Testing of Vessels
15:30 Contributory Sakshi Sharma Detection of Failure in Materials Under Tensile Testing Using Acoustic Emission Technique
15:45 Contributory Jagadeesha Jayanna Chinagudi NDT, Small Satellite Constellations, Sensor Networks Monitor and Predict Conditions of Dams, Bridges, and Large Wide Rivers in India
Chairperson: Pierre Calmon
Session - Opportunities in Digital Applications - 4
16:30 Invited Nandu Vellal Rapid And Better Decision-Making Using Immersive 3D Visualizations Of Assets And Defects Within NDE Inspection Workflow
17:00 Invited Ramon Fernandez Orozco Digital DNAs and Ingenuity Ecosystems: Advancing Telepresence Capabilities and MIS Platforms Usage to Enrich, Expand, and Re-inforce Remote NDE Technical and Strategic Support Processes on Milestone Projects
17:30 Contributory SVN Narasimha Kumar Compliance to Performance of Quality through Digital Transformation
17:45 Contributory Amitabha Datta Evaluation and Qualification of Secondary Bonded Composite Structures using Non-Destructive Evaluation Techniques for Aerospace Application
18:00 Contributory Srijan Tiwari Enhancing NDE with Digital Ecosystems: Bridging Gaps in Procurement, Training, and Asset Management
18:15 Contributory Nitish Bhakat IIoT-Enabled Real-Time Zinc Coating Weight Measurement System for Quality Control in Galvanized Wire Production
Cultural & Gala Dinner
Full Name Title - Session / paper
Chairperson: Anil Kumar Das
Session - Robotics and Automation - 2
9:00 Invited Abhishek Shukla From Mechanization to Automation - Opportunities and Challenges for NDE
9:30 Invited Thomas Gramberger NDE4.X - Next Level of NDT Automation in Aerospace
10:00 Contributory Behara Saketh A review of detection methods for positioning defects in steered-fiber composites
10:15 Contributory Girish Namboodiri Automated Defect Recognition In Radiography Of Solid Rocket Motor Used In Aerospace Applications
10:30 Contributory Deepak Patel Automated Defect Detection in Multimodal Phased Array Plane Wave Imaging using Machine Learning
10:45 Contributory Rajeev J Development of MATLAB based Automated Presence of Charge Verification and Sizing of high explosive boosters in Digital Neutron Radiography Images
Chairperson: Thomas Gramberger
Session - Robotics and Automation - 3
11:30 Invited Aparna Vadde Inspection Automation in the Aerospace Industry: A Few Case Studies
12:00 Invited Hemant Sharma Scalable Drone Solutions for Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) in Oil & Gas and Renewable Energy Infrastructure
12:15 Contributory Shyamsunder Baskaran Imaging, Image Processing, ADR and Report Generation for Dye Penetrant Testing
12:30 Contributory Joseph Kakkassery Enhancing Defect Shape Feature Extraction from Eddy Current Data using Bio-Inspired Algorithm
12:45 Contributory Helmut Wolf E-Learning for NDE 4.0
Chairperson: Aparna Vadde
Session - Research in Methods and Applications - 1
14:00 Contributory Takahiro Saitoh Development of a novel 2D tomography algorithm using quantum annealing
14:15 Contributory Praveen Bhosale Detection of Surface Opening Flaws using Eddy Current Array Technique
14:30 Contributory Mohammed Aslam Optimizing Nonlinear Lamb Wave Ultrasonics with Metafilters for Suppressing System Harmonics
14:45 Contributory Alexandre Rabelo Influence Of Finite-Aperture Hydrophone Geometry On Acoustic Field Simulations
15:00 Contributory Vijaya Lakshmi M R Structural Health Monitoring On Turbine Casing Using Multi NDE Methods
15:15 Contributory Kishlaya Kishore VHP steam piping Dissimilar Weld Joint Crack propagation monitoring by leveraging Thermography technique
15:30 Contributory Alok Singh Integration of complimentary Non-Destructive Techniques for Quality Assurance of Launch Vehicle Systems
15:45 Contributory Sai Preetham Pendekanti Unlocking Insights in Ultrasonic Polymer Welding: Advanced Image Processing and Data Integrity for SEM-Based Quality Analysis in NDE 4.0
Full Name Title - Session / paper
Chairperson: Iikka Virkunen
Session - Digital Radiography
9:00 Invited Christian Els Enhancing Inspector-AI Collaboration in NDT: Insights from Real-World Scenarios
9:30 Invited Manoharan Venugopal Digital Radiography: Image Quality Factors which can impact performance of AI-based Assisted Inspection
10:00 Contributory Ramesh Babu Guruswamy Testing and Analysis of Thick Composites for manufacturing Helicopter Blades Using Computed Tomography (CT)
10:15 Contributory Rasindh K K Radiography as a Thickness Measurement Tool
10:30 Contributory Dheeraj P R Digital And Computed Radiography Remote Interpretation For In-Service Inspection
10:45 Contributory TBD TBD
Chairperson: Makoto Ochiai
Session - Data Formats
11:30 Invited Johannes Vrana Development of Universal NDE Data Interfaces for Rail Vehicle Components
12:00 Contributory Vignesh Ramachandran First Xray based NDE software with HDF file format
12:15 Contributory Vincent Bergeaud A Proposal for an Ultrasonic NDE Open File Format by the COFREND Working Group on Data and NDE
12:30 Contributory Manasa Hullahalli Chandrashekar Generative AI in Non-Destructive Evaluation: Advancements in Automation, Accuracy and Infrastructure Management
12:45 Contributory Tim Coope Digitalizing real-time thickness data collection using passive, wireless, battery-free sensors
Chairperson: Serge Dos Santos SERGE
Session - Research in Methods and Applications - 2
14:00 Contributory Poornima S Challenges in performing Integrated, Correlated Visual Evaluation and associated Material Characterisation (NDE 4.0) for Failure Analysis of Spacecraft Propulsion System Components
14:15 Contributory Rohan Soman Assessment of Source of Non-Linearities in Guided Wave Sensing: a comparative study
14:30 Contributory Renil Kidangan Infrared Thermography as an Alternative to Penetrant Testing and Magnetic Particle Inspection: From Laboratory Proof-Of-Concept to Industrial Use Cases
14:45 Contributory Manu Joseph Case Studies in Evaluation of Complex 3D-Printed Liquid Rocket Engine Components using Computed Metro-Tomography
15:00 Contributory Chetan Somani Non-Destructive Investigation of Fire Damaged Wind Turbine Tower for Structural Integrity
15:15 Contributory MANJUNATH C T Ultrasonic Inspection of Defects in Ti64 Additive Manufactured Components
15:30 Contributory Aparna Aradhye A Study on Lamb Wave Propagation and Mode Recognition on Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer for Wind Turbines Blade Application
15:45 Contributory TBD TBD

For any inquiries contact below:

Mr. Gaurav Gill

+91 7428982414